The Html5 video's control bar is hidden, the player offers a customizable control bar to allow the user to control video playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback.
import React from 'react';
import { Player, ControlBar } from 'video-react';
export default props => {
return (
<Player autoPlay src="">
<ControlBar autoHide={false} className="my-class" />
ControlBar.propTypes = {
// Hide the control bar automatically after the player is inactive
// default: true
autoHide: PropTypes.bool,
// The waiting time for auto hide after player is inactive (in milliseconds)
// default: 3000
autoHideTime: PropType.number,
// Do not render default controls, only use custom ones provided as children of <ControlBar>
// default: false
disableDefaultControls: PropTypes.bool,
// Do not render the control bar if set it to true
// default: false
disableCompletely: PropTypes.bool,